Community Segmentation for Personalized Engagement
Explore how Topicals utilized TYB to transform their community engagement, experiencing remarkable growth and a 400% increase in repeat purchases. By leveraging targeted strategies and consolidating their loyalty program into Spottie Sphere, Topicals exemplifies TYB's impact on brand momentum and customer loyalty.
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Community Segmentation for Personalized Engagement
Increased community growth
increase in community purchases after transitioning from Yotpo
of the community has made more than one purchase in the last 60 days
One Team, Big Goals

Topicals joined TYB in November 2022, launching Topicals Insiders with the goal of transitioning their existing creator community over from Grin. 95% of the Grin community successfully opted into TYB, and Insiders launched with 1,000 members. The TYB difference was immediately apparent – Insiders grew +25% MoM as Topicals incorporated social proof into their community ecosystem for the first time with TYB. Suddenly, Insiders could connect and communicate with one another via TYBs chat functionality, and this visibility enhanced community momentum dramatically. To capitalize on the traction they saw with TYB’s launch, Topicals established a monthly community Zoom meeting ritual to bring Insiders together and onboard new members. In light of this early success, Topicals was eager to identify more opportunities to drive momentum with TYB.

Creating a Personalized and Measurable Community

Leveraging survey challenges to conduct user research in April 2023, Topicals learned that 250 of their 5,000 Insiders (5%) worked as licensed estheticians. In response to this insight, the team created a new, second community segment called Topicals Experts, allowing them to implement more targeted engagement and rewards efforts for the true skincare experts in their audience. In September 2023, after several months experimenting with TYB’s community tools, Topicals decided they weren’t satisfied with the degree of customer engagement with their Yotpo-powered Loyalty program. With TYB’s help, Topicals transitioned their Loyalty program to TYB, launching Spottie Sphere, and uniting Community and Loyalty efforts under one owned channel, powered by TYB.

Creating a Personalized and Measurable Community
Creating a Personalized and Measurable Community

Leveraging survey challenges to conduct user research in April 2023, Topicals learned that 250 of their 5,000 Insiders (5%) worked as licensed estheticians. In response to this insight, the team created a new, second community segment called Topicals Experts, allowing them to implement more targeted engagement and rewards efforts for the true skincare experts in their audience. In September 2023, after several months experimenting with TYB’s community tools, Topicals decided they weren’t satisfied with the degree of customer engagement with their Yotpo-powered Loyalty program. With TYB’s help, Topicals transitioned their Loyalty program to TYB, launching Spottie Sphere, and uniting Community and Loyalty efforts under one owned channel, powered by TYB.

Community = Powerful Growth Channel

After transitioning to TYB, Topicals unlocked a new level of symbiotic relationship with customers. Distinct segments rooted in community insights allow customers to join the community segment that aligns best with their own unique identity and relationship to the brand. With Community and Loyalty streamlined to one owned channel, Topicals can better engage, reward and understand their most loyal customers.

It’s working. To date, nearly 20% of the Topicals community has made a purchase, and 25% has made more than one purchase in the last 60 days. This represents an increase of more than 400% vs. the status quo when Topicals was managing their Loyalty program with Yotpo.

Community = Powerful Growth Channel
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Reward your community with exclusives they’ll love, while generating the hype your brand deserves

TYB is where earned media feels like owned media